Proper septic system maintenance is vital to the elimination and conversion of sanitary household waste. In addition to regular pumping and inspections, now required for any Virginia real estate transaction and annually for owners with alternative onsite septic systems, every homeowner with a septic system should practice behaviors beneficial to the effective processing of residential wastewater.
Depending on the tank capacity and changes to the number of people and appliances utilizing the system, experts recommend periodic pumping every two to four years. This assures the basic unimpeded operation of your septic tank and drain field while promoting system longevity.
Septic-friendly practices include reducing water consumption. Limit showers, laundry, car washing, and outdoor watering. Switch to low-flow appliances, fixtures, and shower heads. Each load of laundry generates up to 53 gallons of wastewater, which quickly floods a septic system. Minimize and stagger loads to prolong the life of your septic system, and use liquid detergents.
Regular garbage disposal use can increase the volume of solid waste in your septic tank by 50 percent, placing a heavy strain on the entire septic system. Dispose of everything you can in your garbage, and let your septic system process wastewater, flushing only waste or toilet paper. Use brands approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) identified by their seal on the packaging as suitable for septic systems.
Contact the reliable professionals at SES with any concerns or questions about your septic system. SES – proudly serving the septic needs of Northern Virginia with trusted septic design, installation, maintenance, and inspection since 1987.