Whether you plan to build on raw land, add to an existing property, or need a complete teardown and rebuild, establishing the location and type of onsite sewage system necessary to handle your plan is essential. Trust SES as your preferred Licensed Conventional and Alternative Onsite Soil Evaluators.
Founded in 1987, SES is an established local company of highly-trained and certified professionals that provide soil classification, mapping, morphology, hydrology, structure, texture, mineralogy, landscape assessment, and other geological aspects necessary to comply with the Virginia Department of Health regulations governing on-site wastewater dispersal. Our expert professionals ensure soil investigations are completed in a timely manner and in full compliance with all state and local codes so you can proceed with your project.
As an authorized On-site Soil Evaluator and Approved Onsite Responsible Management Entity, we are knowledgeable and efficient with consistent, proven results. From soil evaluations we determine specific soil properties and the appropriate use and management of these soils when we site conventional and alternative onsite sewage systems.
Schedule your affordable initial property consultation today for reliable soil percolation tests and regulation-compliant septic drainfield or absorption field clearance distance specifications. When you need results, call the soil and septic experts at SES.