Why Well Water is a Smarter Choice than Bottled Water

Pressure is everywhere telling you bottled water is the right choice for you and your family, and since you pay for each bottle, it must be better right? The higher the price the better the bottled water; right? No, actually that is a reasonable – but wrong – assumption.

Most soft drink manufacturers now sell bottled water alongside their other products. In vending machines, in the grocery store and at most events water is sold by the bottle for the same price a bottle of Coke or Pepsi. While water is always a better choice than sugary soft drinks, you would be better off grabbing a glass of tap water and saving the money. When compared by price, assuming you are lucky enough to find a vending machine that sells cold beverages for $1. That equals five cents per ounce for a bottle of water. Bottled water is nothing more than filtered tap water, which would cost approximately one cent per gallon coming from the faucet – that’s a big difference, but not necessary a good one.

Even though the propaganda suggests bottled water presents more health benefits than tap water, but essentially water is water. Whether it comes from a well or a municipal water system, it is safe to drink. When homes with wells are sold, the well is tested to ensure the water is safe for consumption. If problems are found, they must be corrected. That practice ensures your water is clean and safe. Some groups point to aging wells and municipal water systems and say they may be unsafe, however empirical evidence shows bottled water does not present a cleaner choice than tap water.

Regular inspection of your well and all its parts will ensure it functions properly while providing clean, safe water for drinking. The well casing should be inspected for cracks, holes or other damage that can allow pollutants to enter the water table and eventually into your drinking water. Licensed drinking-water well professionals determine whether repairs must be made and suggest methods of keeping your water clean and safe.

For more information on keeping your well water safe, contact Soils and Environmental Services to schedule an appointment. The professionals at SES offer several plans to test your well water and keep it safe in all of the Northern Virginia area. SES has provided well maintenance and inspection services since 1987 in Fairfax CountyPrince William CountyLoudoun CountyFauquier County and all of the Washington, DC metro area.

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Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

The EPA & Health Department Recommend You Have Your Water Tested Annually For…
  • Total Coliform Bacteria
New Well Owners – Test Now and Again in 3 Years For…
  • Total Coliform Bacteria
  • Lead
  • Nitrates/Nitrites
Keep your family safe and healthy by having your home’s water tested today!