Homeowners who have both water softeners and septic tanks in Loudoun County VA can rest easy about softeners negatively affecting their septic systems.
In 2013, the results of a Virginia Tech study reveal that water softeners set to provide with appropriate salt efficiency do not harm septic systems, and in fact, may actually help them.
According to the authors of the study: “The data indicate that the use of efficiently operated water softeners improves septic tank performance, while the use of very inefficient home softeners may have a negative effect on solids discharge to the drain field and the level of impact will depend on the level of hardness in the water, whether the regeneration waste is discharged to the septic tank, and the amount of excess sodium present in regeneration wastes.”
For homeowners with hard water and septic tanks in Loudoun County VA, this is good news. Water softeners are must when you have hard water, because they prevent the damaging build-up of lime and/or calcium in appliances, pipes and fixtures.
For more information about the use water softeners and septic tanks in Loudoun County VA, please contact SES.