Septic tanks and septic systems are never thought of in your Northern Virginia home, until something goes wrong with either the septic tank or septic system and it is obvious. These tips will help keep your septic tank functioning properly:
- Aim your rainwater away from the septic drainfield. If the drainfield will not absorb or neutralize the liquid waste simply remains and eventually begins pooling on the surface. Always plan your landscape to point away from the drainfield to be safe.
- Check all faucets in the home for possible leaks that may result in extra water to force through the septic system.
- Take water saving steps such as adding aerators and flow reducer nozzles, along with reducing the water level for less than full loads of laundry. These small tips can save time and money when it comes time to deal with the septic system.
- Always plant trees 100 feet away from the septic system to aid in preventing tree roots from damaging the septic system.
- Don’t flush things down the toilet that are not designed for it. Paper towel, facial tissues, coffee grounds, cigarette butts, diapers, tampons and sanitary napkins count in the “do not flush” category.
- Never pour grease down the drain. Not only is this bad for the environment, it also cools in the pipes and then acts as a magnet to passing debris and filth.
- Pull back on the harsh cleaners as well, the chemicals will throw the balance of beneficial bacteria in the septic tank.