If you own a home that uses oil heat, you will want to get a petroleum tank inspection before you receive your first oil delivery of the fall or winter. This is because your tank should be almost or completely empty.
Putting off having your petroleum tank inspection in Fairfax County VA could prevent you from knowing if you have a heating oil leak or other problem with your tank. Heating oil leaks (aka spills) are known to:
- Contaminate drinking water wells, ground water, and soil;
- Foul septic systems, requiring their replacement;
- Cause odor and health problems in the home;
- Contaminate storm water drains, sewers, drainage ditches and surface water; and
- Cost a substantial amount of money to clean up, which is not covered by home owners’ insurance.
Bottom line: do the right thing by your family and your community by having a petroleum tank inspection at your Fairfax County VA home. For more information on petroleum tank inspection at your Fairfax County VA home, or to discuss other issues with a petroleum tank on your property, please contact SES. Serving Fairfax County, as well as the rest of Northern Virginia and Washington DC since 1987, SES specializes in inspecting, testing and safely removing above- and below-ground oil tanks.