How Often Do You Need To Empty A Bealeton VA Septic Tank

What is the difference between septic tank emptying and pumping?
People often use the terms septic tank cleaning or emptying and septic tank pumping interchangeably. However, these are not the same. When you pump a septic tank, you get rid of all the liquid, a certain amount of the solids, and whatever sludge is floating in it. On the other hand, cleaning a septic tank means completely removing all the water and the slurry, including the dirt that is packed down at the bottom of the tank. In other words, cleaning is a more detailed procedure.

How Often Do You Need To Empty A Bealeton VA Septic Tank?
According to experts, a septic tank cleaning should be done every 3 to 5 years as this makes removal of the dirt relatively quick and easy. If you wait too long to clean your septic tank, the sludge in the tank gets deposited at the bottom and becomes thicker, which can become harder to take out.

When should the tank be thoroughly cleaned, not just pumped?
Most homeowners usually pump their tank instead of cleaning. However, there are certain situations when your septic tank should be thoroughly cleaned and not just pumped. For example, when you are buying a house. In such cases, having an actual septic tank cleaning is considered a more recommended procedure as it thoroughly removes all the sludge accumulated over the years, leaving a fresh tank.

Besides, if you have too much sludge at the bottom of the tank which interrupts the proper function of the tank, you should go for a septic tank cleaning. Remember that sludge in your septic tank won’t break down by itself. As a thumb rule, make sure to clean the septic tank by the time the sludge level reaches about at 8 inches.

What are the main factors which can affect the condition of a septic tank?
There are mainly three factors that affect the working of a septic tank and helps in deciding how often it needs to be cleaned or pumping. They are the number of people using it, the capacity of the tank, and what you put into it. The more people use a septic tank, the faster it will fill up. However, if you have a septic tank with a larger capacity, it will get filled up only slowly. Also remember that if you put materials like cigarette butts, medications, cat litter, grease, solvents, and the like into a septic tank, it can lead to clogs and prevent smooth functioning of it.

If you are facing any septic system problems, you can contact the experts at SES Mid-Atlantic LLC, for help. We are licensed, knowledgeable, trusted, and insured people who provide excellent septic tank maintenance service.

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