New Septic System Inspection Law

A new septic system inspection law (Virginia House Bill 2671) was signed into law by Governor Youngkin on March 20, 2025.  Set to take effect on July 1, 2025, the law clarifies who can perform these inspections and sets standards for the contract, inspection, and final report. 

The law does not require septic system inspections when real property is bought, sold, or refinanced.  The law also does not change or supersede other required inspections or septic tank pump outs required by state or local regulations.  The law only applies when a buyer, seller or lender requests an inspection at the time of sale or refinance. Specific provisions include:

  1. Authorized Inspectors: Only Virginia licensed septic system professionals can conduct septic system inspections. All individuals must have a valid license from DPOR.
  2. Written Contract: The law requires a written contract between the inspector and the client with specific provisions.
  3. Inspection Standards: The bill sets minimum standards for septic system inspections, ensuring consistency and reliability in the process across the State.
  4. Report: The law requires a written report of findings within 10 days and prohibits the inspector from issuing pass / fail results.

Our founder and CEO Mike Lynn and (VOWRA) The Virginia Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association’s board, helped draft the Bill’s language to gain the support of the Virginia Association of Realtors and the Homebuilders Association of Virginia.

A key feature of the Bill that aided in its success is that it had no impact on any State Agency or budgetary requirements.  VOWRA is set to prepare training sessions soon for inspectors, realtors and lenders in the very near future.  Look for updates at

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