Do You Need an SAP Inspection to Build a New Home in Manassas, VA?

Are you wondering whether you need an SAP inspection to build a new home in Manassas, VA? Please note that you need to get a building permit from your local building authority to have a new building in place for any property you may intend to have. 

Once you go for the permit, the local building official will inquire from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) whether your residence’s sewage system is up to the recommended standard. This standard is referred to as “safe, adequate, and proper” (SAP). 

What Else Should I Expect If I Need an SAP Inspection to Build a New Home in Manassas, VA?

You should know that if your application is incomplete, you will receive a rejection letter of notification. The denial letter will explain the reasons why the application is considered incomplete. You’ll also be given a chance to appeal. Hence, as a homeowner, you can re-submit a new application. If the appeal indicates that the structure is not intended for human habitation, the staff should contact the local building official. 

The staff is also recommended to request copies of septic tank pumping records for the onsite sewage system, if available. This is the same as the operation and maintenance (O&M) record. Suppose your application is complete and does not have supporting work from a certified private sector professional. In that case, the staff must plan a site visit at the property owner’s preferable date and time. 

It is considered best practice for the office support staff to schedule the site visit once the property owner hands in the completed application to the local health department. 

If the application is complete with a certified private sector evaluation, VDH may conduct a field inspection of the private sector work before they issue an approval.

When Can You Be Exempted from the SAP Inspection?

The staff might consider an exemption from the inspection for such reasons as: 

  1. The owner has operation and maintenance records for the past 5 years of the appeal for a building permit. 
  2. The owner reports that the recognized system components may cause some damages to system components
  3. The property owner has detailed field measurements for the septic tank’s location and distribution box. 
  4. Other factors outweigh the benefits of inspecting the system components. 
  5. Other facts clearly point out that inspecting the system components is not essential. Such attributes may include when:
    • The sewage system is not older than 5 years
    • The tank was recently pumped
    • There exist accurate records regarding the system

Before the site visit, the staff should make practical efforts to find any former records for the sewage system. They should also provide any records considered helpful for the owner to locate system components. Once an approval record for the sewage system exists, the authorization permit remains effective. It’s only until the system fails or there’s a change in the system’s flow or intensity. 

Nevertheless, the lack of records does not certainly designate that the sewage system was connected without a permit. It should also not be used as the main reason for refuting a homeowner’s request. If the sewage system is older than five years and the owner has no inspection accounts or septic tank pumping records, the staff should recommend the owner to pump the septic tank. Not unless other facts direct that pumping is not necessary.

Contact the Professionals Now

Founded in1987, SES continues to provide their customers with complete septic services. We offer top-notch services right from septic system design, installation and maintenance to the recommended inspections. 

We are committed to continuing with such remarkable services for both residential and commercial clients.

Contact us via our website for the help you need!

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