How Does a Centreville VA Septic System Work?

How does a Centreville VA septic system work? Simply put, waste flows into a septic tank where naturally occurring bacteria break down solid matter. The only pipes connected to the tank are the plumbing lines running from the home or business, making it an enclosed system.


This type of waste collection and management is an alternative for areas where a sewer system of pipes and drains is not usable because of the surrounding geography or soil content. Regular sewer lines are vulnerable to temperature and weather damage when the soil is too shallow to bury them properly or if there is too much sand or clay. Sewer lines are also vulnerable to failure and damage if they run through steep slopes or if the groundwater level is too high.


SES Mid Atlantic has just started its fourth decade installing and maintain Centreville VA septic systems. We still begin each job with a thorough inspection and soil analysis to determine the best location for the septic tank. For most homes, this is usually in the backyard or on either side of the structure. Determining this before building helps a housing developer plan entire neighborhoods before pouring the first foundation.


A properly installed septic system also gives more control over wastewater management and protects the local water table from contamination. Neighborhoods are not at the mercy of a sewer built by the city or county, so thunderstorms and other incidents of extreme weather are not a concern when it comes to lines breaking or drains being overwhelmed by a sudden flood of water. Septic systems are cheaper to maintain than a sewer network, so some municipalities are investing in septic systems in remote communities to save money in their future maintenance budgets.


Business developers prefer to install septic systems in facilities that have a large customer or occupant base that puts their plumbing system under continual usage or heavy usage multiple time during the day. Unlike a sewer, a septic system does not need an outside network of pipes to maintain or relieve pressure. It also allows developers and building managers to control maintenance schedules. Examples of businesses and facilities that benefit from a Centreville VA septic system are schools, restaurants, and hospitals.


With no lines or drains to contend with, treatment plants can be located farther away from a community. Although there is the risk of a spill from a tanker, transporting waste is just as safe as sending wastewater under area homes and businesses. Pickup can be arranged after business hours or mid-morning to avoid interfering with high traffic times.


Centreville VA septic systems offer these and more advantages over standard sewer networks. For more information on how we support your business and residential needs, call SES Mid Atlantic at 866-249-5630 today.

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