Pumping out a septic tank during the winter is not a problem for SES.
We can easily handle the temperatures in Northern Virginia and normally only surface ice forms in a septic tank. Our sophisticated modern pumping equipment can handle this ice without difficulty.
Although pumping the septic tank won’t be an issue, a common problem that occurs is losing the access location due to snowfall. Be sure to know where the access is for your septic tank system, this is needed for periodic inspections and also to allow easier locating the tank for a pump out after a foot of snow falls on the yard.
A good plan is to schedule your tank to be pumped out in late November or early December. This is generally before any great amount of snow here in Fairfax VA. Then you be able to make it through the worst part of winter before needing another septic system pump-out.
Concerned about your septic system during winter? Call SES today – we can provide pump outs, emergency service, and inspections of your Fairfax VA septic system.