Welcome to SES Company

At SES, we design, construct, operate, and manage individual, commercial, and community water and wastewater systems. We are especially proud of our people and their dedication to making a difference in our community. As a matter of fact, at SES, our people are our difference. We hope to inspire positive change by enriching the lives of others with the products and services we provide.

Founded in 1987, SES has served thousands of clients with soil interpretations, environmental investigations, septic-drain field designs, decentralized wastewater systems, and stormwater management services. In June 2013, we relocated to a state-of-the-art facility in Manassas, Virginia, allowing us to harness the latest technologies while staying rooted in our primary practice of soils and environmental science. Our core competency is strong as our professionals and principals are leaders in their respective disciplines who assist in writing legislation that supports environmentally responsible development. We stay on the cutting edge to provide comprehensive onsite water and wastewater system services to you.

After 26 years in business, we are honored our clients, including homeowners, realtors, builders, developers, business owners, property managers, architects, planners, and government agencies, trust us to design onsite and alternative sewage systems and maintain their stormwater facilities and depend on us to ensure safe drinking water, repair septic fields, and remove grease from restaurants. They know SES provides peace of mind while protecting their investments and the environment.

With years of design/build experience, SES is an ideal sub-contractor for large projects and is able to turn-key smaller projects, such as individual onsite septic systems (or OSS), septic system repairs, and stormwater infrastructure repair and upgrades.

Our frequently requested services include:

  • Corrective action plans,
  • Design/Build services,
  • Environmental site assessment,
  • Expert witness testimony,
  • Monitoring water quality,
  • Operations and maintenance contracts,
  • Stormwater structure inspection, maintenance, and reporting, and
  • Well and septic inspections for realtors

As a licensed, privately-held public utility, our work as water and wastewater system operators compliments services provided by respected engineering firms. Our accredited staff of soil scientists and system evaluators, installers, and operators have extensive experience and training. At SES, we work together to deliver water and wastewater system solutions that are right for you.

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If you are experiencing an emergency, call us at  (540) 422 1678.

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Is Your Water Safe to Drink?

The EPA & Health Department Recommend You Have Your Water Tested Annually For…
  • Total Coliform Bacteria
New Well Owners – Test Now and Again in 3 Years For…
  • Total Coliform Bacteria
  • Lead
  • Nitrates/Nitrites
Keep your family safe and healthy by having your home’s water tested today!