Most things in life that are designed to make our lives in Northern Virginia easier or more convenient typically require some level of maintenance. The septic system on your property is no different – it must be maintained properly or it likely will fail; and failure means misery. The septic system is designed using a delicate balance of living microorganisms and bacteria; so if materials that should not be put down the drain are in fact put down the drain, the results are likely to be less than desirable. Use these tips to ease the septic tank maintenance and improve its performance instead.
- Repair a leaky fixture as soon as it is discovered. The extra water entering the septic system can cause it to flood. Typically, septic systems are designed to withstand up to 75 gallons of waste water per person, per day; when that amount is exceeded, trouble is likely to ensue.
- Never use flush-activated toilet bowl cleaners if you have a septic system. The chlorine bleach that makes your toilet sparkle will kill the bacteria in the septic tank and lead to bacterial unrest – that’s never good. If used in the toilet tank, they also will cause the seal to break and lead to a leaky toilet tank.
- Check the toilet flapper to ensure it functions properly and the water stops running. Again, this goes back to the capacity of the septic tank and its ability to perform. If more water is running into the system than it can handle, there will be break in service and performance of the septic system.
These septic system maintenance tips will ease your burden of septic tank maintenance. For more information or to schedule an appointment for septic tank inspection, call the professionals at SES today.